Zapitup - An NFT Collection for Collectibles, Metaverse and Gaming- The Coin Leaks

Zapitup – An NFT Collection for Collectibles, Metaverse and Gaming

As the world is moving towards digitalization, more and more people are investing into NFTs. From using NFTs for investment and gaming to metaverse and twitter’s specialised ‘NFT Profile Picture’, the use cases of NFTs are endless.

With the involvement of celebrities such as SnoopDog, Eminem, Steve Aoki and many others, the space of NFTs is becoming more and more mainstream. One cannot help but wonder what more the future beckons in this exciting world of NFTs and the endless possibilities that comes with a new era of ‘Metaverse’.

Zapitup welcomes you to the world of high quality NFTs. An NFT collection for collectibles, Metaverse and gaming, Zapitup offers a wide variety of NFTs ranging from a futuristic sci fi 3D drone to cute 2D artworks.

These NFTs are crafted by skilled artists with pure love and passion for the art. To ensure that consumers get the worth of their money, Zapitup uses a bunch of industry standard tools to make NFTs such as Blender, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, Zbrush, and more.

Discussed here are some of the popular NFTs from their vast collection.

  1. Drone NFT for Gaming
  2. Imagine a future where drones are mainstream and are used by the government as surveillance. Do you find such a possibility scary or comforting?

    Unlockable Content: High resolution 360-degree turntable video. RARE for 1 unit sale only.

  3. Futuristic Helmet
  4. Have you ever wondered what a helmet from the future would look like and what technological advancement it would have. From tracking high speed vehicles to track faces.

  5. Blink of an Eye
  6. Sometimes I wonder how an alien would blink their eyes. Especially if they are super advanced and use some eye equipment with technological advancement beyond our understanding. This is a beautiful depiction of the same.

  7. Love is Blind
  8. It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love.

    Fall in love with character and not beauty. This beautiful art piece depicts a love that goes beyond just looks.

    Unlockable Content: Behind the scenes of this render.

  9. High on Life
  10. Don’t let outward force dictate your emotions. Be happy, be brave.

    Unlockable Content: Short movie (2:47 min) of a journey of this cute little planet from being happy to sad to happy.

    Those interested in buying any of these NFTs can explore Zapitup’s profile on OpenSea or get in touch with them for creating NFTs through The Coin Leaks.


A well-renowned online news and information platform, The Coin Leaks provides updated news and helpful information about different cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Cardano, Dogecoin, Tether, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash, and much more. Not just this, you can also get live coin price data, as well as know about today’s gainers and losers through their crypto news platform.

A leading cryptocurrency news and information platform, The Coin Leaks is also planning to introduce its another news and information portal, NFT Bulletin, where you can check out the latest news and information about NFTs. What’s more? You can even promote your NFTs by listing them for free with us.


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